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4 Ways How Recruiters and Hiring Managers Can Work Together

Recruiters and Hiring Managers

Maybe the relationship between recruiters and hiring managers is without fault in the movies, but in real life, it can be a tense one. Hiring managers are often unsatisfied with the quality of candidates. Recruiters are bothered by the unrealistic expectations from hiring managers. Whatever the reason for the weak relationship may be, it can negatively affect the candidate experience.

5 Tips for How to Be an Effective Interviewer

How to Be an Effective Interviewer

You know what people say: it’s good to be prepared. Be prepared for a test, for a vacation, for an interview. And just like your candidate will spend an ample amount of time researching the company before an interview, why shouldn’t you, as a manager, do the same?
If you take your time to prepare well, you’ll be able to answer every question the candidate has, evaluate their skills, and make a smarter decision. Here are a few tips for how to conduct an interview that I’ve picked up throughout my career.