Introducing our new consulting package from RecruitGyan

Introducing our new consulting package from RecruitGyan

Tech startups often face a conundrum when they’re ready to grow their team: 

When you’re a trailblazer, moving forward with no tracks to run on, how do you bring people on board- while you’re building the train?

How do you ask for help when you don’t know what you don’t know? How can someone be coached to do something that’s never been done before?

For a tech startup, it’s critical to bring the people on board that are going to contribute to your mission. Jim Collins put it bluntly- “People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” A bad fit can wreak havoc on your culture and momentum, costing precious time and money.

There’s a lot of pressure to get the right people, in the right place, at the right time. The clock is ticking. So, what exactly does that look like? 

Better put, what does it look like for your company to attract and keep the right people?

For a visionary, attracting people is rarely the issue. If you’re the founder of a tech startup, I’d put money on the probability that you’re a visionary. You can captivate the imagination of a preoccupied customer in a Starbucks line. They’re ready to sign on the dotted line before the barista puts the whipped cream on their PSL. Attracting people to your vision is not the problem.

It might be surprising to hear that, realistically, a lot of groundwork needs to be laid before you can keep the right people. Top talent asks the right questions before they decide whether or not they want to stick around. Right off the bat, they want to know who you are, where you’re going, and how they fit into your Big Picture. When you’re working with moving pieces, you might not have the answers. Without the answers, they’ll move on.

At RecruitGyan, we’ve worked with hundreds of tech companies at all stages of growth. We’re seeing the same mistakes played out over different startups in the crucial early stages: they can’t develop a solid recruiting strategy until they’ve thought through their company’s structure. Without a recruiting strategy that launches off a stable foundation, they make expensive hiring mistakes. Their pieces don’t fit, and their people don’t stick. These mistakes cost time and money. 

It’s easily remedied. We’re now offering a consulting package for startups in the pre-seed, Series A and Series B stages. We’ve identified three pillars for growth and success that create a structure that can support a solid recruiting strategy. They’re the launching point for the companies we consult.

1.     Compass Leadership Method

Do you know where you’re going? We help you nail down your mission, vision, and values. And we work with the leadership team to ensure that everyone is aligned to these principles.

When your leadership team isn’t on the same page from the get-go, gaps in direction setting are only going to widen with time. Defining your mission not only enables you to articulate your company’s purpose, but it also serves to rule out what your company does not do. Everybody is on the same track.

Our Compass Leadership Method equips you and the key leaders of your team to develop a hiring plan based on key objectives and expectations that support your company’s larger goals.

2.     First Impression System

Top talent wants to know how their contributions fit into your Big Picture. They’re going to determine this through the candidate touch points. Our First Impression System ensures that every interaction your company has with a potential candidate confirms that you value them. 

During the interview process, communication is clear and prompt. Each step of the process is explained, and questions are addressed. Job descriptions specify the role responsibilities and relevant qualifications. 

All social media is up-to-date and in sync with your company’s mission and vision. This includes your website and LinkedIn business page. If your social media presence isn’t polished, your candidates are going to think twice about whether they want to be associated with the company. 

3.     Cohesive Culture Method

Who are you? Candidates want to know if they’re going to be a good fit in your company culture. How are you supporting diversity and inclusion? What does the work/life balance look like?

Cohesive Culture attracts the right candidates. When your culture is infused into all of your touchpoints, recruits can determine for themselves whether they’re a good fit for your company. If they’re not, they’ll self-select out. This cuts down on irrelevant resumes, early dropouts, and time-consuming interviews.  

Your ideal candidates can envision themselves working at your company. They look forward to hanging around the people they work with and collaborating to accomplish your company’s mission. Their best years are ahead of them.

Wherever you’re at in your hiring process, we’d love to connect and help you determine what your next steps are, so that you’re able to take your company to its next level. Our recruiting methodology has allowed us to maintain a 92% fill rate on average, increase companies’ hiring rate by 65% and decrease turnover rate from 54% to 21% by managing and implementing strategic initiatives. 

We look forward to hearing from you!
