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Recruiting Top Talent: 10 Business Etiquette Tips For Hiring Managers

Recruiting Top Talent

Recruiting Top Talent: 10 Business Etiquette Tips For Hiring Managers

What do business etiquette means to the hiring managers? Well, it turns out that a bit of common courtesy and professionalism can significantly improve the entire hiring process.

Take a look at these crucial business etiquette that every hiring manager must keep in mind when recruiting new talent.

Tip #1: Make the Candidate Feel Comfortable

Candidate experience is a powerful tool for hiring the best talent. One study showed that 41% of candidates who had a poor overall experience intended to take their loyalty elsewhere.

The best way to recruit employees is to make them feel welcome at your company and comfortable during the hiring process. I’ve found that being courteous and positive can make them feel less stressed.

Before the interview, offer them a cup of coffee or a refreshing beverage. Never be late for the interview as this might set the tone for the entire hiring process. More importantly, make sure that the room is comfortable. Dark lighting and low temperatures can leave a bad impression.

Don’t be the only one who speaks. Leave enough room for the candidate to demonstrate their skills and communicate their experience. If they have any questions regarding the company, answer each one of them as honestly as possible.

Tip #2: Pay Attention to the Dress Code

We’ve discussed this in a previous article: dress code matters!

Every business environment comes with its unique dress code. For example, some formal workplaces require formal dressing. Which is a crucial requirement due to the nature of regular operations. Or, if the workplace is a startup, there’s normally little restrictions around outfits and even hairstyles. A pair of capri pants and a cotton blouse sounds perfect.

As an interviewer, make sure you’re dressed appropriately as well.  If you have a certain dress code at your company, communicate this information with your candidates during the initial correspondence. You don’t want them to feel over or under-dressed as this can negatively affect their performance.

Recruiting Top Talent

Tip #3: Maintain Communication with Unsuccessful Candidates

Not every candidate will be a perfect fit for your company. When this happens, it’s the hiring manager’s job to reject them professionally and appropriately.

After all, they did take the time to send in their application and come in for an interview. The least they deserve from the hiring manager is the feedback that they’re not under consideration anymore. Think of the candidate as a paying customer: would you treat them this way?

Wondering how you can improve communication skills at the workplace? Follow this link and find out!

Tip #4: Prepare For the Interview

Recruiting top talent is a challenging task and you cannot risk doing job interviews unprepared. You’ll leave an impression as an unprofessional hiring manager who doesn’t respect their candidates. But how can you avoid this?

  • Choose your questions beforehand.
  • Include traditional, situational and ice-breaker questions.
  • Build an interview team.
  • Make sure the room looks professional and comfortable.
  • Respect the dress code.

Tip #5: Remain Professional Throughout the Process

In my opinion, remaining professional is one of the most important business etiquette tips for hiring managers. What does remaining professional mean?

  • Always show up on time for interviews, meetings, and other appointments with your candidates.
  • Be responsive and give an answer to every question.
  • Make sure your answers are honest and straightforward. There’s no need to sugar-coat things.
  • Reply to every e-mail, don’t ignore phone calls, and make sure you’re always available.
  • Thank the candidate for their time and effort.
Recruiting Top Talent

Tip #6: Never Talk Negatively About the Company

I think that one goes without saying. You should never present your company in a negative light. The best way to recruit employees is to allow them to make up their own mind about the company. They can easily do this by researching the company and talking to former or current employees. Your job as a hiring manager is to sell the high points of your place of work.

Tip #7: Accept Your Recruiter’s Advice

If possible, work closely with your recruiters. You’ll gain a balanced perspective and your candidates will have a fairer hiring process. You should trust your recruiters and accept their consultation and advice. After all, recruiters and hiring managers share a common goal: recruiting top talent as quickly as possible!

Recruiting Top Talent

Tip #8: Always Present a Streamlined Candidate Experience Throughout the Process

Employer branding is a good way to give your recruitment efforts a boost and increase the engagement and retention rates of your employees. Recruitment etiquette can significantly increase your employer branding.

To make sure you offer the best candidate experience during the hiring process, you should:

  • Respond immediately after a candidate applies to a job.
  • Make sure the career page and online application are accessible.
  • Write a clear job description.
  • Take candidates on a tour of the office.
  • Follow-up.

Tip #9: Involve the Stakeholders

Hiring managers have the ultimate responsibility when it comes to recruiting top talent. However, you should keep in mind that your new hires will be interacting with team leaders, managers, and other employees.

To make sure everyone accepts and embraces the new employee, why not include all stakeholders in the hiring process? Keep them informed of the recruitment process and take their feedback into consideration.

Tip #10: Don’t Let Candidates Wait Too Long for a Response from the Company

People don’t appreciate when they don’t hear from you. I have been on many interviews where the hiring manager would tell me that they’ll get back to me in a few days, but they never would. Even after calling and emailing them several times, I still wouldn’t get a response. This is always a frustrating experience that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
Communicate with job candidates that they are still in the running for the position. Make sure they are up-to-date and inform them of what’s coming next in the hiring process.

Final Word

The business world can be complex and demanding. Hiring managers have a challenging task ahead: to recruit the best talent or stay behind. If you want to stay competitive and lead your company into the future, make sure you stick to these essential business etiquette tips. They might come in handy every time you struggle to make a decision and remain professional.

